The Problems with the Church Tower

There have been problems with dampness in the tower for years.  The dampness is causing deterioration of the timbers and beams and of the wall surfaces within the tower apartments.   
A number of factors can contribute to the problems being encountered, through moisture entering the tower and not being removed: water ingress, via leaks in the roof or through masonry walls; lack of ventilation; unsuitable modern materials applied over old that seal in moisture; use of cement-based mortars; environmental factors.  The tower cannot be ‘waterproofed’ – in fact most church towers are damp.  The challenge is to manage the problem:  to keep the damp under control, to correct structural problems that have already arisen as a result of the damp, and to avoid the risk of more serious damage to the fabric of the building.

Several detailed inspections of the tower have identified the following issues, all of which require attention:
  • Cement pointing, which has been carried out in the past, doesn’t allow the stones to “breathe” and release moisture.  This contributes to the dampness showing on the interior walls of the tower, and to damage to the stonework: in freezing weather, the stone may fracture, and this is already happening. Also, some of this pointing is loose and can fall.   
  • Stonework round the ventilation louvres is a further source of damp  retention and water ingress, and needs attention.
  • Two apertures in the tower (ringing chamber south side , and bell chamber north side) have been closed in the past, so reducing the tower ventilation and contributing to the dampness. These apertures need to be reopened
  • The state of the wooden and steel beams supporting the vestry and ringing chamber ceilings is a concern.  These need repair or replacement.
  • Floorboards in the bell chamber are unsafe and need strengthening.
  • The ladder to the bell chamber is dangerous and needs replacing.
  • The vestry wall plaster needs to be removed and replaced by a new wall lining to create a more acceptable environment.
  • New windows that can be fixed open are needed in the ringing chamber and vestry.
  • The tower roof parapet needs to be repaired and the lead gutters need reconstruction.
  • Damaged plaster to the nave wall of the vestry needs repair.
  • The boiler room roof is asbestos and must be replaced.
  • The drainage around the tower needs improvement.
  • Lightning protection needs to be installed.
  • The condition of the wall painting on nave wall of tower needs assessment.

What are the consequences of any of the Tower Works not being carried out?
  • Decayed beams in the ringing chamber ceiling and vestry ceiling (supporting the ringing chamber floor) will continue to deteriorate and in time they will fail, with obvious and potentially dangerous consequences.
  • The tower rooms that are in regular use (the vestry and ringing chamber) will become progressively unpleasant and difficult to use (eg there is extensive green mould on the ringing chamber walls and, in the vestry, continual falls of plaster, rotting of the wooden fitments, etc.)
  • The plaster on the nave side of the vestry wall will continue to deteriorate with the likely eventual loss of the small wall painting there.
  • The ladder to the bell chamber doesn’t meet current safety standards and is dangerous.  If there were to be an accident and we hadn’t done work that the quinquennial report clearly said we should do, the insurers probably wouldn’t pay out.
  • The floor work in the bell chamber is important for the same reason.